The Economy, Unlike BJP, Cannot Be Bullied Into Submission

"The Indian National Congress re-states its conclusion that the "demonetization"...

How serious is India’s economic slowdown

Top Indian government officials are engaged in a vociferous public debate over the state of the country's economy...

India’s sick economy needs Nyay medication

The BJP government should not reject a good and timely idea purely on the basis of who came up with it...

The costs of Modi’s morality governance paradigm

The policies for a nearly $3 trillion economy cannot be based on good versus evil storytelling...

Congress’ NYAY isn’t airy-fairy at all

As regards NYAY’s fiscal impact, Gandhi committed to fiscal prudence while announcing this scheme...

If there is one pan-India issue, it is jobs ? the most upset are the women head of households?

Since Congress wins in three assembly elections in December, hasn’t BJP bounced back with a post-Balakot narrative?...

Problem is jobs, not wages

There is obfuscation over both the existence of a jobs crisis and the diagnosis of it...

Ushering in a new social contract through Minimum Income Guarantee

The minimum income proposal will strengthen the State’s ability to deliver on its promise of a guaranteed basic standard of living for every poor Indian family...

Congress’ Minimum Income Scheme Is No Jumla: Praveen Chakravarty

The chairperson of Congres’ Data Analytics department explains Rahul Gandhi’s minimum income scheme...