A not-so-level playing field: Our free and unfair elections

“The mother of democracy is in bad shape” said the Financial Times recently, in reference to Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s repeated boast. ...

Congress’s Praveen Chakravarty writes: Jobs, justice, governance — a bold manifesto for India’s future

The task now is to take these ideas to voters and explain them — an enormous challenge especially when the party’s bank accounts are frozen, and the media is tightly controlled ...

The dubious economic claims of Kovind Committee on One Nation, One Election

The idea of 'One Nation One Election' is premised on flimsy grounds of cost savings, policy paralysis, governance interference and, now, the shiny new claim of boosting economic growth. ...

The OPS promise and the cost of false electoral narratives

Most post-facto narratives for electoral victories are a case of retrofitting causes to outcomes flippantly. But they can prove tremendously expensive for the nation ...

A ‘distraction’ balloon in the winds of federalism

The ‘one nation one election’ proposal, premised on flimsy grounds, is politically unfeasible, administratively unworkable and constitutionally unviable ...