A blueprint to revive the economy (Co-authored with P. Chidambaram)

A carefully crafted economic proposal for consideration of the Indian government to help our fellow citizens...

India must plan for economic shocks

While it is clear that this is not a ‘normal’ year, it is also important to be cognisant of the possibility that the future global economic order may also not be ‘normal’ and plan wisely for it...

Russia’s offer of cheaper oil is tempting, but India must be cautious

Praveen Chakravarty writes: India can afford neither trade sanctions nor a geo-economic war over ‘de-dollarisation’...

Predatory pricing is prising Indian livelihoods apart

The economic dogma of lower prices, regardless of the means, as a sole and worthy pursuit is being challenged...

Neither ban nor reguate crypto

The government must simply make it clear that India will never permit cryptocurrencies to be currency...

Stop this jobs charade: on India’s unemployment problem

India must debate solutions to the employment problem, as a true democracy should and would...

Declare crypto will never be currency

Don’t ban, but announce it will never be recognised. Send a signal that those who trade in it do so at their own risk...

Where’s the V-shaped recovery?

We have all heard of the fable where a person was searching for his keys under a streetlight, not because he lost them there but because that is where the light was...