The mysteries of ‘dead’ and ‘deleted’ voters

The election day debacle in Mumbai shows that the Election Commission's voter list data have long been suspect. Aadhaar would be a great solution for second-level authentication...

Indian Elections: Debunking the debunked myths

An analysis of vote share data and pre-poll alliances shows India is keeping true to its diverse federalism...

The mathematics of the ‘Modi Wave’

Data suggest that the BJP will have to deliver five per cent more seats than its best-ever performance to achieve 'Mission 272+'...

The math behind Jayalalithaa’s prime ministerial ambitions

The Tamil Nadu chief minister's aspirations to be PM seem entirely logical with more multi-cornered contests, uncertainty in Andhra Pradesh and the winner-takes-all history of elections in Tamil Nadu...

Election results: Much ado about nothing?

The 72 Lok Sabha seats that these four states represent are a mere 13% of all seats in the lower house of Parliament...

Independent candidates: Party-poopers in disguise?

In our electoral system of first-past-the-post, the probability that an independent will influence the eventual outcome of an election is statistically high...

The myth of the astute voter

A close analysis of the Tamil Nadu Assembly election results shows that there is no marked difference in the voting pattern...