Rebuild India’s confidence, revive the economy – with Dr.Manmohan Singh
The path to a sustained recovery is to improve sentiments in society, using economic tools
The path to a sustained recovery is to improve sentiments in society, using economic tools
Praveen ChakravartyJuly 22, 2020 भारत के अर्थव्यवस्था इतनी ख़राब होने की वावजूद, शेयर बाज़ार में इतनी तेज़ी कैसे हो सकती
India imposed a total and extreme lockdown to fight the Covid-19 epidemic. It was among the harshest and the longest in the world.
Praveen ChakravartyJuly 16, 2020 India's economy is among the worst impacted in the world due to Covid-19.But India's stock market
Praveen ChakravartyJuly 10, 2020 @nsui is spearheading a campaign with the justifiable demand to not force final exams on students